Cottonwood District Newsletter Spring 2020 Newsletter | Page 8

Citizenship In Action

Citizenship In Action is a hands-on event that allows 4-H members the opportunity to learn more about the legislative process and to better understand how their voice and participation impact decision making in their communities and state.

Delegates spent the first afternoon working in committees on one of several very serious topics:

Mental Illness in America

How do we prevent mass shootings in our communities?

Land Use Conflict – when country and city clash

The evening includes a banquet and we were fortunate to have Rep. Alicia Straub join us. Following the banquet, the delegates traveled to the Capitol building for a special 4-H session! Cottonwood – Barton 4-H member and Kansas Youth Council representative, Lexi Straub, served as speaker of the House of Representatives.

On Monday morning, we traveled back to the Capitol for tours, opportunities to observe committee meetings and legislative sessions, and small group appointments with Senators and Representatives.

In addition to practicing communication skills, 4-H members learn about Business Casual and Business Professional attire.

Cottonwood Extension District was represented by Hailey Hicks, Paige Koehn, John Weisenborn, William Noble, Elizabeth Noble, and chaperones Charlene Nichols and Michelle Beran. These 4-H members took representing their counties and clubs very seriously and we are proud of how they handled themselves!