Cottonwood Connections October 2021 | 页面 5

Livestock Field Day In Northwest Kansas-Nov. 3rd

Germination testing of wheat seed

Germination testing of wheat seed

Germination testing of wheat seed

Germination testing of wheat seed

Germination testing of wheat seed

Germination testing of wheat seed

Germination testing of wheat seed

Germination testing of wheat seed

Germination testing of wheat seed

Make plans to attend the  Central Kansas Beef Summit on November 3rd, 2021 in Phillipsburg, Kansas.

Event Highlights include:

Market Outlook - Derrel Peel,  Oklahoma State University Extension Livestock Marketing Specialist,

Presentation on  preg-checking and managing your opens  - Dr Sandy Johnson,  Kansas State University Extension Beef Specialist,

The field day will be a collaboration among  numerous K-State Research and Extension  districts and  will give producers a better chance to  not only hear from industry leaders, but to also take part in  conversation with one another.   

In addition to  the speakers, the program  will offer breakout sessions where attendees can pick and choose which topics apply to them. 

Breakout Session Topics include:

Stock Water Considerations- Ron Graber, State Specialist

Weaning - Dr. Gregg Hanzlicek, DVM

Feed Inventory - Dr. Justin Waggoner, KSU Beef Systems Specialist

RSVP today to make sure you get a plate  of delicious roast beef supper made by Third Street Bakery.  Cost  to attend is $10 if you register by October 27th,  otherwise late registration is $15.  For more information, or to register, visit  Further questions can be directed to Alicia Boor at (620)793-1910  or  [email protected]   

Agriculture Today

K-State agricultural specialists and other experts examine agricultural issues facing Kansas and the nation. Agriculture Today is a daily program hosted by Eric Atkinson and distributed to radio stations throughout the state and region.

Additionally, you may now subscribe and listen to the program in its entirety on their new podcast page at 

Also on K-State Radio Network there are other programs to listen to such as Sound Living – that addresses issues related to families and consumers, weather wonders and other radio features!

K-State Radio Network


Women Managing the Farm - February 9-11, 2022, Manhattan