Welcome Back, Taylor!
Happy Spring everybody! It is so exciting to be back in the Ellis County Extension office again! I can’t wait to see everyone and I’m looking forward to working with 4-Her’s and their families to help show off their amazing hard work at the County Fair this summer! For those of you I haven’t met, here is a little bit about me: I grew up in Garden Plain, Kansas, where I was very active in sports and FFA. I currently go to school at Fort Hays State and will graduate this next May with my Bachelor’s degree in Animal Science. In my free time I like to be outside, cook, play my guitar, and spend time with my friends! I love cheesy jokes, trying new things, and learning about other people’s passions. Which is why I am so happy that I get to come back for another summer of working with and getting to know the Ellis County community, it's been a pleasure meeting everyone and learning all about KSRE! Here’s to another great summer!
-Taylor Meyer
Ellis County Summer Intern
Welcome, Camille
Cottonwood Extension is excited to have Camille Dolechek on staff this summer in the Barton County office as a summer intern. She is from a farming and ranching family in Hoisington, KS, and an Elementary Education major at K-State. She has jumped in to assist with a variety of tasks including leading a section at the Junior Leaders Day Camp.