January 2022
Greetings from the Director:
Greetings from the Cottonwood Extension District. I hope this finds everyone healthy and ready for a new year. Perhaps you are feeling stressed from the extra gatherings and meal preparations during the holiday season. Maybe your family was affected by the December 15th wind storm that caused tremendous damage and loss. Whatever challenges you are faced with, I hope you will consider contacting either of our Cottonwood Extension District offices for answers to your questions. Our direct link to Kansas State University gives us the resources to have unbiased research-based information at our fingertips and ready to share with you.
Take a few minutes and see what our team of Extension educators are planning as we turn the calendar to 2022. Consider signing up for an upcoming workshop to learn a new skill. If you have ideas of educational opportunities we could provide, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We would love to hear from you!
Donna Krug, District Director – Cottonwood Extension District
I hope you will plan to stop by and visit our new Great Bend office location, 3007 10th Street, on Thursday, January 6th. We are hosting the Great Bend Chamber Coffee beginning at 9:30 AM on the 6th, with a ribbon cutting to follow. If you are not able to visit in the morning, we will have snacks throughout the day and will be happy to give you a tour. We will plan to be open over the noon hour on the 6th to accommodate everyone's schedule.
Open House and
Chamber Coffee