Corpus Christi Sporting Times April 2014 | Page 13

School Paralympics Games 2013

Team Corpus Christi (about 10 students) were placed into two groups. We were able to experience and compete in a mixture of sports that were all accessible to wheelchair users. We competed at Boccia (a game of skill and patience), table tennis (loads of fun) and basketball (my personal favourite).

As a team we worked hard to gain points and

win. We all tried our best and did win our table tennis match and achieved a second in Boccia but despite our best efforts managed a third place in basketball. There were teams from

other schools in Cardiff, including Cantonian.

I enjoyed representing the school and trying out new sports. I think I would like to do more table tennis as a result of this experience. I hope that we get the opportunity to take part again and may include other sports like karate and rifle shooting; that would be awesome.

We all got medals for our achievements. I think Team Corpus Christi should start training for next year!

Adam Webster, Year 8

School Paralympic Games