Corporate Strategy 2016 | Page 4 /about The Accord Group The Accord Group is a collaboration of individual organisations all with long-standing histories reaching back well over 50 years. We are collectively proud of our roots and our proven track records of helping some of the most vulnerable in society. We have evolved over the years to respond to the needs of our customers, as well demands of governments and stakeholders and we have always managed to do so successfully and in ways that have ensured our on-going viability and increased strength. We constantly monitor and re-evaluate how we operate and we consider innovative ways to deliver services. We follow a path of responsible evolution, using our flexibility and financial strength so that we can be the creators of our own future. We take care protect those longstanding legacies and identities and brands which constitute the story of our existence. We remain in essence a social business which supports individuals, neighbourhoods, families and communities and we continue to follow our founding ethos as a values-led social business motivated by adding social and economic value to the communities where we work. n We have over 13,000 homes n We deliver over 70,000 hours of care each week n We provide jobs for almost 5,000 people n We have an annual turnover of £120 million and a surplus c£6 million n We have seen successful growth and we remain financially strong with capacity to grow n We also have an excellent reputation for service innovation and delivery and we continue to be a multiple award-winning organisation including as lead partner of the Matrix Housing Partnership, winners of the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in Sustainable Development – the first UK housing association to win this award. The Accord Group have over 13,000 homes and delivers 7,000 hours of care each week 2 Accord Group