Launch of Arts Education
100 schools campaign
The Department of Arts and Culture together with the
Department of Basic Education, partner with John Kani and
Nobulali Productions for a project that is a first of its kind in South
Africa. They aim to reach; 100 schools ; in 100 days through 100
pledges in support of the Arts Education 100 Schools campaign!
The belief that education is a human right has led to the
fundraising drive starting on International Human Rights Day
(December 10th) and ending 100 days later on National Human
Rights Day (21 March) 2014. World renowned Playwright Dr.
John Kani, whose play Nothing But the Truth is a prescribed set
work in schools, will give a key note address at the event.
In 2013, Nobulali Productions ran a successful tour of Nothing But
The Truth in threatres around Gauteng, Limpopo, Mpumalanga
and Kwazulu Natal, reaching more than 9000 learners and 300
teachers. With the successful support from varied role players,
the company hopes to increase its reach by threefol [