Topsy Foundation
Ogilvy Relationship
The Topsy Foundation NPC is blessed by a very good
AIDS being reversed over a period of 90 days through the
relationship with Ogilvy Johannesburg. One of the founding
administration of anti-retrovirals (ARVs). Each day of her
members of Topsy used to work for Ogilvy, and this lead to a
recovery was documented by the team, who witnessed
fortunate partnership between the 2 organisations that has
Selinah's incredible metamorphosis over the three month
grown and developed over the years.
period ?rst hand. It was announced as the 12th most
awarded commercial worldwide in 2011.
Ogilvy generously sponsors much of the Topsy head of?ce
operational costs, and lends its creative talent to the
See it here:
marketing and advertising of Topsy. They have created
some outstanding pieces of work over the years, including
The remarkable piece is one of many fundraising initiatives
the print advert featured in this article. Probably the most
developed by Ogilvy and is testimony to the relationship
notable and impactful creation was the 'Selinah' TV
between the agency and the Topsy Foundation that
commercial, which features the true story of Selinah, a
stretches back 11 years.
Topsy bene?ciary who experiences the ravaging effects of
Photo: Chris Krichhoff