Corporate Health Improvement Programs January. 2014 Issue 2 | Page 19

Why do companies implement worksite wellness programs? There are many reasons why companies choose to implement worksite wellness programs. Not all of these reasons are economic, but statistically companies that choose to implement worksite wellness programs do spend less money on insurance premiums and medical claims than companies without wellness programs. Another primary driving factor for worksite wellness is the increasing age of the working population. The baby boomer generation is getting older and yet many workers are choosing to remain in the workforce rather than retire. With increased age comes increased risk for health problems. In order to curtail these costs, worksite wellness programs can play a pivotal role in altering bad health habits and preventing catastrophic heart conditions through early detection and health screening. Many workers do not think about spouses and dependents as major sources of healthcare expense, but oftentimes spouses will spend more per year for healthcare than the employees themselves. All of this medical care utilization takes its toll on corporations, who in essence are responsible for not only maintaining a solid bottom-line, but also providing for the health needs of non-workers. Worksite wellness programs, therefore, are sometimes the only way for employers to have policies that can reach across the boundary into the home and help spouses and even dependents to practice healthy habits. If you would like to know more about how you can implement a worksite wellness program, please fill out our free worksite wellness proposal today! Biometric Testing Overview What is Biometric Testing? Kersh Risk Management has developed a cost effective, time efficient system for the delivery of a mass population screening process. The standard prodedure collects height/weight, blood pressure and blood chemistry from individuals at the worksite. The blood chemistry includes: Total Cholesterol, HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol, VLDL Cholesterol, Triglycerides and Glucose. Intervention Benchmarking This procedure can also include additional testing upon the client’s request. The biometric screening takes approximately ten minutes per person causing limited workplace disruption. The data gathered in Biometric Testing provides an accurate snapshot of an individual ’s health, resulting in a benchmark for intervention and increased wellbeing. View Screen Shots: Biometric Testing Section Biometric Testing is a hands-on experience that takes place at the workplace or a doctor’s office. The Biometric Testing section of the website was designed for members to access their past Biometric Testing values. The Biometric Testing page shows the most recent Biometric Testing results. Previous years’ data is also accessible by clicking on the “View more graphs” buttons on the page. Biometric Testing values for Systolic Blood Pressure, Diastolic Blood Pressure, Weight, Height, Glucose, HDL, LDL, Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides, and TC/HDL ratio are all available for members’ viewing through our secure website. These values are not visible to other users. Monitoring these values over time is proven to help members focus on these numbers in order to improve them. Corporate Health Corporate Health is becoming one of the top considerations for employees and employers alike. More and more employees are looking for an opportunity to place themselves in careers where there is a culture of good employee heath. Employees, likewise, are feeling the pinch of increasing costs for healthcare coverage and decreasing productivity due to the sedentary lifestyles of the United States, Canada, and other countries around the world. How do employers and employees work together to develop a positive corporate health culture? There are actually multiple ways for this to be achieved. The easiest way to shift the entire culture for corporate health, of course, is at the top, starting with key executives and leadership. The other avenue for improving corporate health is by grass-roots