Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) technical guidance by WHO RCCE action plan: COVID-19 preparedness | Page 21

Annex 4. Choosing Channels What channels or engagement strategies can you use to share important information and guidance? Identify channels and fora that audiences use to seek health information and partners who regularly communicate with these groups. For example: Some channels that might reach broad national audiences: mass media, radio listeners club, daily emissions addressing different topics with open mic for public calls, social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook Policy-makers and influencers might be reached through weekly engagement meetings with religious, administrative, youth, and women’s groups. Individual communities might be reached through theatre performances engagement meetings with women groups, edutainment, H2H activities, youth groups, training of peer educators, etc. Ensure your health agency has relationships and agreements with relevant partners and access to identified and trusted media channels including: • Broadcast media: (television and radio) • Trusted organizations’ websites • Social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) • Text messages for mobile phones • Hand-outs and brochures in community and health centers • Town forums • Community health boards • Billboards Plan to tailor key information and guidance to stakeholders and disseminate it through their preferred channels and trusted partners. 21 | RC C E A C T I O N P L A N G U I DA N C E | C O V I D - 19 P R E PA R E D N E S S A N D R E S P O N S E