Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) technical guidance by WHO Household transmission investigation protocol | Page 21

Secondary clinical attack rate. Secondary infection rate (also called secondary infection incidence). Clinical presentation A measure of the frequency of new symptomatic cases of COVID-19 infection that occur among contacts within the incubation period (range) following exposure to a primary confirmed case, in relation to the total number of exposed contacts; the denominator is restricted to susceptible contacts when these can be determined. (The rate of clinical manifestation of COVID-19 infection in contacts). It is a good measure of person-to-person spread of disease after the disease has been introduced into a population. A measure of the frequency of new infections of COVID-19 among contacts within the incubation period (range) following exposure to a primary confirmed case, in relation to the total number of exposed contacts; the denominator is restricted to susceptible contacts when these can be determined. (The rate of contacts being infected, assessed through serological assays/polymerase chain reaction on paired samples). It is a good measure of person-to-person spread of the infection after the infection has been introduced into a population. The range of clinical symptoms in cases and contacts. (Clinical symptoms and severity). -21- Symptoms and dates of contact with confirmed cases of COVID-19 infection. Form 1A: Q6 Form 1B: Q6 Form 2, 3, 4, 5 Symptom diary Laboratory confirmation (serology) Form 2, 3, 4, 5 Symptoms Form 1A: Q6 Form 1B: Q6  Note that early estimates are likely to be biased due to some cases being able to more successfully produce secondary cases. • Note that these estimates will be specific to setting and contact type. • The numerator will be determined as the number of household contacts with confirmed COVID-19 infection, while the denominator will be determined as the total number of household contacts. • Represents an overall risk of infection among household contacts for a defined time period. • In-hospital clinical studies will enhance understanding of the clinical course, severity and risk determinants, as well as case fatality.