Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) technical guidance by WHO Household transmission investigation protocol | Page 20

More advanced analysis, using the investigation forms/questionnaires and specimens generated, should allow robust estimation of key epidemiological parameters as described in Table 2. The table includes a comments/limitations section, which provides insight into the strengths and weaknesses of this protocol. Table 2. Definition and sources of epidemiological parameters that can be estimated during a household transmission investigation. Parameter Course of disease (time, person and place). Health-care-seeking behaviours. Symptomatic proportion of cases or asymptomatic fraction. Hospitalization rate or incident hospitalizations. Definition (“simplified” expression of the definition) A description of the distribution of cases by time, person and place. Determination of the proportion of people who sought health care (not necessarily just hospitalization). The proportion of cases who show symptoms or signs of COVID-19 infection or The proportion of cases who do not show symptoms or signs of COVID-19 infection. A measure of the frequency of hospitalized cases of COVID-19 among the confirmed cases in the household in a defined period of time. -20- Form and questions where data can be obtained to calculate the parameters concerned Demography Date of laboratory confirmation Location Comments, limitations • Location will need to be supplemented by notification data to indicate geospatial trends. Form 1A: Q3, Q4, Q5 Form 1B: Q4, Q5 Form 2, 3, 4, 5 Form 1A: Q6 Laboratory confirmation and symptoms. Form 1A: Q6 Form 1B: Q6 Form 2, 3, 4, 5 Symptom diary Hospitalization data. Form 1A: Q6 Form 1B: Q7 Form 2,3,4 • The numerators of interest are the numbers of those household contacts reporting various signs and symptoms of infection (e.g. fever, cough) and the number/proportion of those contacts reporting no signs or symptoms (i.e. the asymptomatic fraction); the denominator is the total number of cases.