Cornerstone Number 182, October-November 2016 | Page 8

Cornerstone No. 182, page 8 Membership of the Scots Kirk, Lausanne At a recent joint meeting of the Kirk Session Elders from both Lausanne and Geneva, the topic of Church Membership was discussed. Following this meeting we decided that it would be a good thing to review our approach to membership, the objective being to clarify what membership means in the context of the ongoing health of our Church, as well as in terms of voting rights, at Congregational Meetings. A small team was formed, comprising our Minister ― Ian McDonald, our Session Clerk ― Janet Shaner, Janet Beard and William Wright. An approach, described below, has been determined by the small team and approved by the Kirk Session. As part of this process, the small team will contact members, to validate how they would like to be affiliated with the church. In principle there will be no change for those currently members of the Scots Kirk. Membership categories We have defined three categories, drawn from terms and practice within the Church of Scotland: - Church Members - Adherents - Friends Church Members are inscribed as such in the Congregational Roll: • • • by profession of faith and/or by transfer, with valid certificates of transfer, and/or by resolution of the Kirk Session A Church Member is a Member of Christ’s Church, the Church of Scotland and of the Scots Kirk, Lausanne. At regular meetings of the congregation, or in response to a single-issue vote being required by Presbytery, only Church Members have a vote. At other times, when an Electoral Register has been agreed, Church Members and Adherents (if their name appears on the lists) have the vote. Adherents are those who do not currently wish to be a Church Member, but are regular worshippers in the congregation, are not active members of any other congregation and would like to be associated with the Scots Kirk as Adherents on the Congregational Roll. Furthermore, the Kirk Session needs to be satisfied that they desire to be permanently connected with the congregation and knowing of no reasons why they should not be admitted as Church Members, should they so apply. From time to time the Kirk Session will review