Cornerstone No. 193, page 5
Appointment of Nominating Committee
The following persons have been selected by the congregation to be members
of the Nominating Committee for the choice of a minister to fill our current
vacancy; we thank them all most sincerely for their willingness to undertake this
task and congratulate them on their appointment. The first meeting took place
on Monday 16th July and the committee will be reporting back regularly on the
process and what has been done on your behalf.
At the first meeting of the Nominating Committee, it was agreed that William
Wright would serve as Convenor with Catherine Cowper as Deputy Convenor.
Catherine Cowper; Vanessa De Luze; Robert Kenneth;
Geoffrey Peek; Sylvia Rubli; Janet Shaner;
Jacquie Walker; Melanie Whitlow; William Wright
We send our condolences, our thoughts
and prayers to those who have suffered
the loss of someone close to them
recently, whether known to the
congregation or otherwise, and in
particular to:
● Diana & Mark Dürrenmatt & family
● Joy Hill on the death of her mother
● The family & friends of Evelyn Guisan