Cornerstone No. 193, page 4
Sunday School and Crèche Involvement
"Time for chance and change” — though we don't take or do either without a
prayerful consideration.
Friends, I ask you to consider taking a chance on
the Children's Ministry to enhance the way things
are done at the moment.
If you would take a chance to be involved with
the Sunday School — we need more volunteers
to help out on a Sunday morning. Please consider
taking the children for their lesson
In addition, after 22 years of running the crèche,
the time has come for someone else to take over
and enjoy the fun I've had with our younger members of the church family.
If you think you could help out in either of these areas, please get in touch, and
I will give you more information. I'm looking forward to working with you after
the Summer holidays.
Contact details are in the front of the Cornerstone.
Thank you, Melanie Whitlow
Donation of old sun and reading
Collection box in
the church vestibule
All the sun and reading glasses deposited at the
church were most gratefully received by the MEB
(Mission Evangélique Braille). The glasses are
given to people in Africa who need them after eye
Please note that we are no longer accepting
donations of Natels (mobile phones).
For more information and if you wish to receive
the Annual Report of the MEB, please contact
Madeleine Rudolf in church or on 021 617 88 86.
Thank you.