Cornerstone No.
No. 191,
20 25
Fire extinguishers in the Scots Kirk: where are they?
Vestibule: just inside the front door
Library: by the door leading to the toilet
St. Andrew’s House:
Basement: in the cloakroom
First floor landing: at the entrance of the Appin Rooms
Third floor/Manse: landing
Fire Blankets:
One in the basement kitchen
One in the Fellowship Centre kitchen first floor
To all users of the Fellowship Centre kitchen
The instructions for using the vitroceram top, the oven and the
washing-up machine (which was chosen for its short cycle, and is
very easy to use), are to be found in the kitchen, on plastic cards.
The cleaning products that are used are phosphate-free and
therefore eco-friendly.
Please note that nothing should be stored in the boiler room
in the basement or in the organ loft. This is not only highly
dangerous and against official fire regulations, but our fire
insurer would consider their liability to be reduced in the
event of a fire and we could well not be reimbursed in full
for any damage.
Notice to parents and guardians
We occasionally publish photographs in Cornerstone, on the Kirk’s
website and—to a lesser extent—on the Kirk’s facebook page of
children and young people belonging to the Scots Kirk.
If for any reason you would prefer that a photograph of your child
should not be used in this manner, please let the editor know on
[email protected]. Thank you.