Cornerstone No. 191, page 19
Recent meeting of the Kirk Session
At the meeting of the Kirk Session on 11 th April 2018, the following subjects were
discussed. Further information can be obtained from the minutes of the meeting
on the notice board in the church hall or by speaking to a member of the Session.
Electricity contract with doctors; Lent Activities; Open Church for Lent;
Crèche location; Website sharing in church; Team re approach for youth
perspective; Church roll; Approval of 2017 accounts; Auditor’s report;
Presbytery report; Ian’s last Sunday, 6 th May; Interim Moderator; Team
Convenors’ meeting; Safeguarding; Additional items for the agenda;
Church Walks; Correspondence.
Next meeting of the Kirk Session:
13 th June 2018 at 7.30 p.m.