Cornerstone No. 191, page 7
A message from Esther in Jakarta
Dear Scots Kirk friends,
First of all, thank you very much for your warm welcome to us, although it was
only for a short while. I remember that I checked Scots Kirk’s website before I
came to Lausanne, because I knew the first thing to do in a new place was to
try to find a church. I believe there is no other
community which has a more pure and genuine
heart than church (as we have the same love
from Jesus Christ). I am really thankful for
everything given to me and Martin. We were so
blessed with all the support and encourage-
ment, also very good hospitality from friends.
Our whole journey in Lausanne would never
have been the same without Scots Kirk inside.
My favourite part was the Potluck, held every
first week in the month, together with commun-
ion. I loved this sharing moment, both the food
and chit chat with many discussions. Also I
won’t forget the day of the Christmas nativity
play (17 December 2017) in which I could play
a role.
Personally, being active and doing something for
church is a must, we call it ‘Serving’. Many of us
may think that we don’t have a special talent or
are too senior to do things, or even too busy
with life. Please don’t! There are so many bless-
ings that can be obtained from serving, but what I love the most is that serving
allows us to experience God’s presence in new ways. Furthermore, do not forget
we have to serve Him because He has already served us before. All things in
this earth are His creation; even Salvation is given by Him. We should serve God
as a form of thanksgiving to Him. Do not worry about doing good or wrong, just
do something.
I will close my message with one of my favourite verses, Romans 8:28: “And
we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who
have been called according to his purpose.” May God bless the whole Scots Kirk
congregation, may He always guide our lives. Also my big respect to Pastor Ian
and all the Elders, may God use you all more and more. Scots Kirk: Au revoir!
Much love from Martin and me (back in Jakarta),