Cornerstone CORNERSTONE_191_website_28 | Page 20

Cornerstone No. 191, page 20 News from Chris Brown Vicky Sikora was recently in touch with Chris Brown: Hi Veronique, It was nice chatting with you again. Attached are current pictures of Roger (left, older and shorter) and Douglas. They were 7 and 3 when we left in August 1989. Roger and Douglas both went to Hanover High School in NH although we lived in Norwich Vermont and went to the Congregational Church there. Roger went to Dartmouth where he studied engineering, was NCAA slalom champion, before going on to be a NorAm champion and spending 2 years on the World Cup. He and his wife Jenny have three children. Douglas was captain of the ski team at Saint Lawrence University where he studied biology and is now the principal sugar maker, CFO, CTO, CEO and innovator for Slopeside and Untapped. Marilyn, their Mom, is coaching skiing and helping at Cochran's ski area in Richmond VT, that her parents built. Here is the website for Slopeside Syrup: Then… Now…