Cornerstone No . 184 , page 7
Condolences We send our condolences to :
● Daniel Blaser whose brother , François , died on 7th December ;
● The family of Mario Gehring who died just before Christmas ( see family tribute to Mario on pp . 4-5 ).
In addition , we have recently been made aware that Mme Muriel Dufey , who played the organ at the Scots Kirk for many years , died on 4th August 2016 .
A Message from Cynthia Gunn Thanks to those in the Scots Kirk who acknowledged the passing of my brother , Bryce , in Sydney , on November 16 , 2016 . A page has been turned …
Be Thankful
Be thankful that you don ' t already have everything you desire .
Be thankful when you don ' t know something , Be thankful for the difficult times . Be thankful for your limitations , Be thankful for each new challenge , Be thankful for your mistakes . Be thankful when you ' re tired and weary ,
It ' s easy to be thankful for the good things . A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks . Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive . Find a way to be thankful for your troubles , and they can become your blessings .