Cornerstone 184 184 | Page 6

Cornerstone No . 184 , page 6
World Day of Prayer
This year , the World Day of Prayer will be hosted by our Catholic friends at the Our Lady of Faith Church , 54 av . de Béthusy , in Lausanne and , as in past years , all our sister churches will meet there together as one congregation . The Service , which has been prepared by the Philippines , will be held over the lunch hour , starting at 12h15 . This will be followed by a buffet lunch , thus enabling attendance for anyone able to leave their workplace for a while . Blue zone parking is available in the vicinity . We do hope you will come along to this special Service which gives us a rare opportunity to meet our friends from other nearby churches .
Geraldine Ewen
Deadline for the next edition of Cornerstone : 12th March 2017