Controversial Books | Page 15

Contents xv c. the bill of rights The First Amendment: Religious Freedom, and Freedom to Speak, Print, Assemble, and Petition 415 The Second Amendment: The Right to Bear Arms 419 The Third Amendment: Quartering Troops 419 The Fourth Amendment: Search and Seizure 420 The Fifth Amendment: Rights of Persons 420 The Sixth Amendment: Rights of the Accused 421 The Seventh Amendment: Trial by Jury in Civil Cases 422 The Eighth Amendment: Bail and Cruel and Unusual Punishments 422 The Ninth Amendment: Rights Retained by the People 423 The Tenth Amendment: Rights Retained by the States 425 Rights Versus Duties 426 Suggested Reading 427 app e n d i x a . The Address and Reasons of Dissent of the Minority of the Convention of the State of Pennsylvania to Their Constituents 429 app e n d i x b . Northwest Ordinance (1787) part 6. 409 454 Interpreting and Preserving the Constitution 463 Principles of Statutory Construction 465 The Doctrine of Judicial Review 476 The Supreme Court as Final Interpreter 486 The States as Final Interpreters 490 Strict Versus Loose Construction 495 The Independence of the Judiciary a. origins of judicial independence 500 501