Controversial Books | Page 421

Das Arabische Buro: der Grossmufti 417 your national goal you should be impelled to fight against England, to grant you military and financial support within the limits of the possible. In order to aid the Arabs in their preparations for a possible conflict with England, Germany is further prepared to supply them immediately with war materials if a way can be found to transport them. . . . I beg that this letter be kept secret. The Italian government has been informed of its contents and is in agreement with it. According to a New York Times report, captured German documents later revealed that an agent of the Abwehr, the dreaded Nazi counter-espionage and sabotage unit of the Wehrmacht, arrived in Baghdad, disguised as a Rumanian businessman, "to carry on relations with the Mufti and prepare for [the] uprising." On April 21, 1941, under the Mufti's direction, the Iraqi politician, Rashid Ali el Khailani, with the aid of generals controlling the army, staged a coup against the Iraq government, forced the regent to flee, and made himself prime minister. King Farouk of Egypt and Riad el Solh, later Lebanon's prime minister, sent messages of encouragement. Forthwith, the Mufti issued a fatwa—the summons to a holy war: In the name of Merciful and Almighty Allah, I invite all my Moslem brothers throughout the whole world to join in the Holy War for Allah, for the defense of Islam and her lands against her enemy. O Faithful, obey and respond to my call. . . . ... I invite you, O Brothers, to join in the War for Allah to preserve Islam, your independence and your lands from English aggression. I invite you to bring all your weight to bear in helping Iraq that she may throw off the shame that torments her. O Heroic Iraq, Allah is with Thee, the Arab Nation and the Moslem World are solidly with Thee in Thy Holy Struggle!