army generals, police chiefs. He controlled major appointments; he whipped up Axis sentiment among the illiterate
and fanatical masses for a Jehad against the Allied cause, and
otherwise perfected his fifth column machine. Against this
background Axis propaganda itself was intensified. Germany
was set up as a "savior to the Moslem world," and Hitler was
touted as "a descendant of the Prophet, the enemy of the
Jews and the British, the Protector of Islam" who was devoting himself to the establishment of an Arab federation free
from British control. Serving as virtually the uncrowned king
of Iraq, the Mufti was now ready to write Hitler proposing
"collaboration in all spheres," as follows:
. . . Arabian nationalism owes your Excellency much gratitude and recognition for the fact that you raised the Palestinian question repeatedly in public addresses. ... I should like
to thank your Excellency again at this opportunity and to reassure you, your Excellency, of the feelings of friendship,
sympathy and admiration which the Arabian people devote
to your Excellency, w&VB