Contraband Interdiction Fall 2023 | Page 12

GDC Stops illegal substances and items from entering facilities .


Not On Our Watch !

GDC Stops illegal substances and items from entering facilities .

In case you were wondering what our Special Agents and canines are up to … it ’ s this . Our officers and K9s are on the clock 24 / 7 waiting to interdict contraband as soon as they are notified . Recently , a call came in and they were able to immediately respond .
They recovered 9 cell phones , 3,620 grams of tobacco , 52 grams of ecstasy 4 chargers and a knife . Thanks to their diligence and quick response , they were also able to locate the civilians , Jamarion Mott and Chaves Daniels , who were attempting to introduce the contraband inside our facilities .
Many people do not realize what it takes to keep contraband like this out of our facilities every day . Join us in thanking our dedicated staff , because of them we are able to stop more and more each day .
Ever wonder if it ’ s worth it ? Then take note ! Recently , at Baldwin SP , one of our many alert and dedicated Perimeter Officers observed a vehicle with its headlights off near the perimeter road . As the Officer approached the vehicle , it fled from the area . GDC K9 , Milledgeville PD and Baldwin County SD were notified and , Baldwin County SD made contact with the vehicle near the facility . A search the of vehicle was conducted and 5 footballs were discovered containing 11 bags of tobacco , 5 cell phones and 1 bundle of cigarettes . Thanks to our rock star , observant Officer , and our local law enforcement partners , the 4 suspects - which included two former offenders currently on Probation - were arrested and transported to Baldwin County Sheriff ’ s Department . So , the answer is – it ’ s not worth it ! And BTW , if you have talent throwing a football , please don ’ t waste it on contraband !