This first paragraph (in OUR
IMPACT] talks about that in the
USA is used more land to do
agriculture for commercial purposes
and for cattle, it means hectares of
land are used to grow crops, also all
this land is more bigger or extend than
the land used to build houses which, in
both cases, causes devastation on
The majority of the agricultural
production all around the world, which
under its food nature, created for
beings consumption, has been used to
feed livestock instead to be used, as
must be the expectation, for our
nutrition. In other words, more and
more land is used for agricultural
purposes which produces crops, and the
humans use it to feed livestock.
Worst of all, the amount of mass used
as food obtained after slaughter
livestock is much less than the amount
of crops used to feed them. That is a
waste of crops, what easily we could
say that it is obviously a waste of
by AvenidaSantaFé TANGO
Writer: Jessi Hamilton