CONTEMPORARY Issue No. 1 | Page 6

What the worst and unpleasant result that we have now is that caused to all the nature everywhere . And when we refer to nature , it means all the natural landscape , as trees , rainforest , mountains , hills , soil , and more , that we had before livestock and cattle .
What the worst and unpleasant result that we have now is that caused to all the nature everywhere . And when we refer to nature , it means all the natural landscape , as trees , rainforest , mountains , hills , soil , and more , that we had before livestock and cattle .
by AvenidaSantaFé TANGO Writer : Jessi Hamilton
This is a decision that we have the opportunity to change .


In Jared Diamond ' s most recent book , “ Collapse ”, he looks historically at some of the major societal collapses and he assesses and analyzes the reasons why those collapses happened . Were they because of disease , or because of agricultural issues , or because of population pressure , or food shortages . He also analyzes different case studies of societies that averted collapse . This is particularly telling when it comes to knowing how we can avert ecological collapse on planet earth as a whole . It also adds weight to the decisions that you and I make on a day-to-day basis when it comes to the foods that we eat . One of the case studies that he explained was about the small Pacific island of Tikopia . This small island is actually just the tip of a volcano that pops up in the ocean .
by FOOD MATTERS Author : James Colquhoun
The closest island is about a day ' s sailing away ( there are about 100 people on that island ) and then it is another day or two to the next major inhabited island - making Tikopia one of the most remote islands in the world . However , people have successfully lived and maintained a steady population on this island for thousands of years . It is reasoned that this is likely because they made two critical distinctions in how they saved their island from collapse , especially in comparison to other islands that have collapsed , such as Easter Island .