SIX KEY INSIGHTS ABOUT LAW FIRMS and laptop computers . Digital is a must because of volume , visibility , search and return on investment . With radio or TV advertising , people happen to hear your message while they ’ re cleaning out the garage or going to the kitchen for snacks . On the other hand , when you use paid search ads , you are reaching people who are actively searching for your service or product . You ’ re not just delivering your ad to a broad group of people . You ’ re reaching people who typed in a search containing certain keywords . These people are further along in the sales process . They consciously made a decision to search for your topic . Paid search ads can help deliver your message to these actively interested prospects .”
4 . Once people run a relevant search and your ad appears , what does it take to get them to contact you ?
“ After web users have run a search and your ad appears , it becomes a matter of messaging and ad text . Your ad needs to be relevant to your service . It needs to incent people to visit your website .
Then , it comes down to your landing page . A landing page is one specific web page designed to receive traffic . In most cases , you don ’ t want your digital ads to simply bring people to your regular homepage . If people find themselves on your homepage , they may click from page to page around your website without being driven to contact you . Instead , you want your digital ads to bring visitors to one carefully designed landing page . This page should provide compelling information and then encourage people to get in touch with you right away .
And , your landing page needs to match what your digital ad states . If visitors are looking for a bankruptcy attorney , don ’ t send them to a personal injury landing page . Continue the same messaging on your landing page that you began in your ad . Otherwise people will not find what they want , and they ’ ll leave your site .”
5 . How would you summarize an effective campaign strategy ?
“ Call tracking , down to the campaign level . In other words , have separate campaigns for different cities and subject matters . Track what success you have for each one . If you ’ re having more success in one campaign , put more dollars into it . If you ’ re not getting a return on another campaign , stop putting money into it . And don ’ t track success by clicks and calls – look at the quality of the calls , and the end result .”
6 . What other advice do you have , for a successful digital ad campaign ?
“ Differentiate yourself from your competition , in your market . Use convincing ads that take advantage of the options and capabilities that are available in Google AdWords . Attract attention , take up space on the screen and show readers why they should choose you . Have a system for tracking , in detail , where leads came from . Understand the difference between organic search and paid search . Organic search is when people run a search online and your website comes up in the listings , through the regular search engine . Paid search is when people run a search and your website comes up in the text ads that appear . And finally , have a willingness to learn from your campaigns . Don ’ t assume what will work or what people want . Let the data speak for itself .” --- To discuss digital advertising further , feel free to contact Art Armani at 814.360.3946 or art @ hoglundanalytics . com .
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National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys Winter 2018 CONSUMER BANKRUPTCY JOURNAL 33