Six Key Insights About Law Firms
and Digital Advertising
By Robert J. Hoglund
President and Founder of Hoglund Advertising & Analytics
General Partner and Owner of Hoglund, Chwialkowski &
Mrozik, P.L.L.C.
etting started using digital
advertising is a piece of cake.
The real question is, how do
you get digital ads to work? How do
you make more money from your ads
than they cost you – and how can they
become a driving force behind your
firm’s growth? A few key insights can
mean the difference between ads that
create expenses and ads that create
Art Armani is our Director of Advertising
and Analytics at Hoglund Advertising
& Analytics. When asked a series of
questions about how law firms can get
results from digital advertising, here is
how he responded.
1. For a law firm, what are
“Digital advertising allows three things:
tracking, targeting and easy changes.
With digital ads, you can track behavior
in detail. You can track where and
when people are responding to your
ads. You can see which ads and
keywords attract the most web traffic.
With effective tracking, you can see
what you’re getting per dollar spent.
Tracking tells you where you should
spend your advertising dollars. And
targeting allows you to follow this
advice. You can target a specific
audience, such as a particular zip
code. If you’re getting a better return
on your investment in a certain city, you
can concentrate your resources there.
And when you want to make changes
to your campaigns, digital advertising
makes it easy. With a few clicks
you can change both your message
and your budget. With traditional
advertising such as television and
radio, any changes to your message
need to go through several