Constitutional Column 2024: Issue 1 | Page 18

Article V Section 7 ( cont .)

Article V Section 7 ( cont .)

Vacancy of a Different Office

If there ’ s a vacancy in any office other than the President ’ s during the term of office , then the President appoints the replacement ( again , with input from the others ). In this case , the officers and National Committee can choose to set aside Article V , Section 2 . B like in a State of Emergency .
However , a vacancy in these offices doesn ’ t have to be filled . According to Section 7 . D , the President can appoint other officers to fill the roles of the vacant offices .

Vacancy due to Lack of Votes

If there ’ s a vacancy due to no candidate winning an election ( e . g ., through a tie ), then the newly elected officers must immediately appoint someone to fill the vacant office .
This situation is considered a State of Emergency , meaning that the officers can vote to ignore Section 2 . B ; however , all the other requirements from Section 2 must still apply .
What if the offices of President and First Vice President become vacant at the same time ?
Remember back when I said that the order of officers in Article V , Section 1 would be important later ? Well , here ’ s later .
Should this unlikely scenario occur , the officer that becomes President depends on that very order described in Section 1 . If the President ’ s and First Vice President ’ s offices become vacant , then the Second Vice President becomes President ; if all three are vacant , then the Communications Coordinator takes over , etc . This order of who becomes President is called the order of succession .