Constitutional Column 2024: Issue 1 | Page 17

Article V
Office Holding Limitations Vacancy in Office
Section 6 . Office Holding Limitations
Section 7 . Vacancy in Office
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Article V

Sections 6 & 7 /

Office Holding Limitations Vacancy in Office

Section 6 . Office Holding Limitations

Section 6 briefly goes over one limitation for NJCL officers — that they may not be an officer for their State at the same time . This is because holding either State or NJCL office can require a lot of work and time , enough so that it wouldn ’ t be feasible to perform the duties of both simultaneously .

Section 7 . Vacancy in Office

This section is rather long , so it will be covered both here and on the next two pages .
Article V concludes with handling a very important question :
What if an office is empty ?
This edge case is called a vacancy , and there are two ways it can occur : Ω during office , due to resignation , removal , death , or incapacity ; Ω before office , due to no candidate winning an election .
The procedure for handling a vacancy depends on when the vacancy occurred and which office is vacant .

Vacancy of the President

If there is a vacancy in the office of President during the term of office , then the First Vice President immediately becomes President . This new President , with input from the other officers and National Committee , must then appoint a new First Vice President . This appointee must follow the eligibility requirements set in Article V , Section 2 .

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