Constitutional Column 2024: Issue 1 | Page 15


Ballot Election , Term of Office

Section 4 . B

If a State with two votes wants to do so , they can split their votes between two candidates . Furthermore , they can vote “ present ”, which means their vote doesn ’ t count towards a candidate .

Section 4 . C

The Constitution explicitly forbids vote by proxy — someone from another State voting on that State ’ s behalf . Instead , if a State for some reason won ’ t be able to vote when voting happens , they can send their ballots to the Parliamentarian or Constitutional Advisor beforehand .

Section 4 . D

Section 4 . D defines something called the Committee of Tellers .
This committee is really just the Parliamentarian and the Constitutional Advisor , and it ’ s tasked with distributing , collecting , and counting the ballots cast in NJCL elections . Afterwards , the Committee creates a Tellers ’ Report — a fancy name for a list of candidates and how many votes each got .
This part also forbids the Tellers ’ Report from being read out to the State delegations . However , the Report can be shown to State Chairs if two-thirds of the State Chairs at Convention vote for such .

Section 4 . E

The Constitution officially requires that officers announce their successors at the General Assembly during which the ballots are counted .
In the case of a vacancy ( discussed in Section 7 ), the President can announce whoever the Executive Board appoints to the position whenever the new board is doing their oath of office ( discussed in the Bylaws ).