Conscious Life Mag Issue #2 April-June 2017 Conscious Life Mag Issue #2 April-June 2017 | Page 9

Even the smallest acts of consideration to protect our Earth will ultimately demonstrate beneficial long term effects . Please consider the ideas on the next page to get you started ...
7 . Corrective Action Procedures-cleanup and control of landfill releases and attains standards of groundwater protection .
8 . Financial Assurance is provided to protect environment during and after closure of landfills .


• Turn off water when you brush your teeth or wash your dishes
• Take shorter showers or use less water in the bathtub
• Be cautious of what you put down the drain ( chemicals & grease )
• Use vinegar and baking soda instead of harsh chemicals and bleach
• Barrel your rain water to water outdoor plants and gardens
• Open a window instead of turning on the air conditioning
• Use the sensor setting on your dryer and save electricity
• Turn off lights to conserve energy
• Preserve gasoline by being conscious of quick starts and abrupt stops
• Shorten your dishwasher setting to 1 hour instead of 3-4 if possible
• Carpool or take public transportation when possible
• Unplug items in electrical outlets when not in use
• Turn off your vehicle when you are parked
• Buy cloth napkins instead of paper
• Use kitchen dish towels to dry your hands instead of paper towels
• Use hand dryers in public bathrooms when possible instead of paper towels
• Buy refillable or permanent soap dispensers & purchase refill packets for them
• Create a bee hive to help the bees pollenate plants ( check with a local nursery )
• Buy organic foods and grass fed meat products
• Plant a tree , vegetable garden or flowers
• Request paper for “ to go ” containers instead of styrophoam
• Minimize your use of aerosol sprays , pesticides and perfumes
• Research alternate methods for weed control for your lawn
• Fill your home with plants to purify the indoor air
• Consider switching to “ green friendly ” cleaning & paper products
• Use your garbage disposal to lessen land fill items if composting is unavailable
• Purchase a composting kit from your local nursery .
Our waste is categorized into hazardous and nonhazardous materials . The Resource Conservation Recovery Act ( RCRA ) is the public law for the guidelines of managing hazardous and nonhazardous solid waste . Hazardous waste poses potential serious hazards to human health and the environment . Many businesses produce hazardous waste such as auto repair shops , hospitals , dry cleaners , chemical manufacturing plants , exterminators and oil refineries . Several banned items into landfills include chemicals , electronics , pesticides , paint , cleaners , batteries and motor oil . These items can have corrosive properties or be reactive causing explosions by igniting toxic chemicals and fumes into the air . The fires can create mass destruction to our trees , plants and wildlife which all play an important role in our environment . Oil spills and toxic substances can be released into the ground and destroy our streams , rivers , lakes and oceans . Many of these catastrophic events have occurred in our country for decades and it has done irreversible damage to our planet .

Even the smallest acts of consideration to protect our Earth will ultimately demonstrate beneficial long term effects . Please consider the ideas on the next page to get you started ...

• Stock up your old batteries and recycle them locally or take them to a Best Buy store
• Reuse your straws from a purchased beverage instead of buying disposable options
• Bring your own mug to refill at coffee shops
• Email your receipts instead of being given a paper copy
• Recycle your drink cups at home if fast food places do not offer recycling
• Flatten cardboard boxes and fit in recycle bin or find recycle center
• Use real plates and utensils instead of paper plates and plastic ware .
• Buy filters for your water instead of buying plastic bottles
• Pass along your magazines to a friend , hospital or waiting room
• Encourage companies and co -workers to recycle office paper
• Bring your own reusable grocery bags into the stores
• Think before you print or print only selected pages of a document you need
• Donate used items and clothing to a 2nd hand store to reduce waste in landfills
• Recycle your junk mail & sign up for e-billing
• Ad your own ideas ...