By : Jeff Singh
FINDING PURPOSE THROUGH EVERYDAY LIFE ! How can we live with authentic purpose through our everyday lives ?
Well , first let ’ s examine the popularized notions of purpose .
There is this persistence from society that our purpose has to be something grand , that we have to do something grand and achieve something grand - to be considered a success in some way or another .
This system sets us up to constantly compare our lives with others and see how we measure up . We compare ourselves to friends , heroes , leaders , rock-stars , and celebrities .
But this constant comparison and trying to measure up just breeds an inward insecurity because we think our life is just not what it could be . And how come we don ’ t get all that applause ?
It is from this root insecurity we set out to find , what our family and society could possibly want from us ? How can we fit in ? How can
we be accepted , and appreciated ?
From notions of what is admired , we formulate what we should do and become in the world and strive desperately to live up to that dream life .
We read countless selfhelp , productivity , and manifestation books encouraging us , ‘ you can be anything you want to
be , so visualize what you want and work like crazy to chase your dream .’
We feel , if we can just do something great , become something great , have money and fame ,
than perhaps finally , our family , friends and society would accept and love us .
Ultimately isn ’ t it just a mad chase for acceptance and love ?
Now , even if we do achieve some success , gain some accolades of respect , and appreciation , are we ever satisfied ?
Just know there is no small purpose and there is no small relationship . In fact sometimes it ’ s the simplest actions , honoring body and home , fully being with loved ones , connecting with friends and collaborators that create the greatest ripple effects we may not even be aware of . It ’ s like the old adage says , “ wherever you go , there you are ” - just with new clothes and new paint on the walls .
Yet underneath the new clothes and walls , that
shadow of insecurity seems to follow us relentlessly .
There seems to be an ever-nagging feeling that we need to be more than what we already are . So it becomes a life-long chase for fulfillment through new careers , new friends , new styles , rituals , or even new religions .
What ’ s the loophole out of this madness , man !?
Get Present to Your Life Through all this dream chasing , we ’ ve found a clever way to escape our lives , to get lost in building some grand future design .
But what happens when we fall back into our lives ?
It ’ s like traveling for a while and returning home - only to find all kinds of things that need to be addressed .
Things need to get organized , plants need some water , the pets need to be fed , and relationships need some love .
Perhaps these things always need to be taken care of ; except now in a
new light of awareness , they take on a new urgency .
Certainly you could sit back and visualize how things should be or plan a strategy for accomplishing these tasks .
But radical action begins through that present moment awareness .
At that point , you ’ re not doing things for what you could become out of it . Your awareness simply sees a need and demands action .
Action Follows Awareness When you become aware of what your life and world needs , your focus shifts and actions follow naturally .
For example , if you ’ ve felt the benefit of movement and exercise in your life , you ’ re naturally acclimated to take those walks and make time for daily practice .
If you ’ ve read about the impact of your purchases on your health and the environment , you naturally become more conscious about your purchases .
If you ’ ve seen the need for sustainability efforts , you naturally find ways to make your own life and home more sustainable and environmentally friendly .
If you ’ ve felt the need
for equality and social justice in this world , you naturally express equality through your own relationships and social outreach .
A Greater Purpose Now , think of the people we consider truly great - the everyday heroes and legendary heroes .
Does a fireman think about the medals and honors when the moment demands jumping into a fire to save lives ?
Was Buddha , Jesus , Joan of Arc , Gandhi , Martin Luther King Jr . or any of these icons sitting around thinking how they could be great ? Were they seeking approval from family or society ?
No ; they simply saw that life did not match what they knew to be true . They saw a need and what needed to be done . Their clarity of awareness , required of them , radical action .
That authentic action , that purpose , which leads to true fulfillment - well , that has nothing to do with what we should be , or what we want out of life . It has everything to do with what the world needs from us .
The Big Secret The big secret is you are already grand by design , just like everyone else . So the real question is how can you bring your inherent grandness into your life , relationships , and the world ?
When your awareness shifts to being of service to your life and the world , your natural intelligence , talents , and skills are called into action .
So how about we rest trying to prove our grandness , trying to control the world into meeting our grand plans ; how about we come back into our present life .
Look and listen … what does your world , your circumstance need right now ?
Just know there is no small purpose and there is no small relationship . In fact sometimes it ’ s the simplest actions , honoring body and home , fully being with loved ones , connecting with friends and collaborators that create the greatest ripple effects we may not even be aware of .
Guess what , these everyday actions naturally build , extend , and express a life worth living .
Without any fanfare , that ’ s how grand purpose is found , every day .
Jeff Singh writes and creates through AwakeFree . com to inspire insights for personal , social , and global change . Subscribe at AwakeFree . com for more articles , videos , and books on awakened living .