Conscious Life Mag Issue #2 April-June 2017 Conscious Life Mag Issue #2 April-June 2017 | Page 15
28, 29, 30 | April
Durham, NC
Find the answers to:
Who am I?
What is my
Why am I here?
An EnlightenMe TM Workshop
You are invited to attend a weekend experiential workshop.
Limited to 30 people and tailored for each attendee.
Come Find Answers and Even Better Questions
Have you ever heard the statement; “Everything that you need to know is inside
of you?” I subscribe to that idea but sometimes you need to be cracked open to
find those nuggets of truth. This workshop is designed to provide you the
crowbar, hammer, hacksaw…the tools you need to start peeling yourself open,
find your truth, purpose and divine inner spark! Learn more about this powerful
and exciting event at
Special Early Bird Pricing Ends 15 April! $777
(Price includes 7 reading experiences, food, workshop materials)
As part of this
workshop you will
receive several of
the follow readings:
|Henna| |Archangel|
|Tarot| |Tea Leaf|
|Soul Tree|
|Character Matrix|
Questions: Call Elizabeth Rouse 919-525-6863 | [email protected]