Conscious Comments October 2013 | Page 8



Medicinal herbs have been used throughout time all over the world. Truly gifts of nature, there are numerous medicinal herbs to enrich and aid almost any situation. There are many factors to consider when selecting a remedy.

When selecting which herbs or remedies to use for a particular person or circumstance, there are many factors to consider. First, it is necessary to know the details of the issue at hand. Is the condition that is being treated something that has been going on for a long time (chronic)? Or is it a short term (acute) situation? Some herbs are meant to only be taken for short amounts of time while others require long term, consistent dosage to experience the full therapeutic effect. Most of the time, acute situations require one remedy (maybe a combination of herbs) to treat the urgency at hand, but then are best followed up with a long term tonic remedy to restore balance and prevent recurrence.

This is like treating the emergent symptom and then getting to the root of the problem. It is also good to note the constitution of the person who is in need of the remedy. Sometimes when there are several herbs to choose from, there is one herb that stands out to fit the personality of the person being treated. Each detail is like a puzzle piece, so the more pieces known, the clearer the picture. With a clear picture of the situation, people involved and goals trying to be achieved, there can be a clear vision of the remedy.

Another important factor to consider when choosing herbs is the quality and source of the plant material being used. Always seek organically grown or ethically wild-harvested herbs, without any additives or filler ingredients. It is important to support sustainable earth friendly agriculture practices and also to make sure that any herbs picked from their wild habitat are not over harvested. One more fact to be aware of when selecting herbs is whether the plant is on the United Plant Savers’ endangered species list. When a medicinal herb is endangered, it is necessary to find an alternate remedy. It is also extremely crucial

Things to Consider When Working with Herbs

by Samantha Perry