Conscious Comments February 2013 | Page 4


by Ras Rocker Tafari a.k.a. Rocker-T

A human being is like a solar system inside. All of our organs, channels and energies are contained within the Temple of the Human. The physical structure of the human being needs to be well maintained and nourished. Breathing, moving and consuming energy in order to produce energy is the necessary function of a human in order to function. We are composed of the elements within our atmosphere and those on and in our Mother Earth. Although the act of eating is voluntary, ultimately one must imbibe some form of energy if the Temple of the Human Soul is to remain active.

Since we are composed of between 60% and 75% water, we must drink water or else we become dehydrated. Because our blood is mostly fluid and oxygen as well we must breathe to survive. Fortunately the lungs work involuntarily and for the most part we continue to breathe even if unconscious.

We live in a world that has pure water and pure oxygen to start. Due to heavy industrial activity on this planet we also now have heavy pollution mostly in the air and the water especially in our large urban areas. It is ultimately required of us to engage in cleansing practices otherwise we will suffer toxic overload and disease.

I am not a licensed physician nor have I ever attended any medical university in any official capacity. However in my journeys and adventures I have met a very large number of highly trained and mystically endowed beings and have read quite a few books that were indeed written by said types. From these sources I have learned little bits and large pieces of the ancient and modern knowledge of the I Am. Before I continue I would like to say that the practices about to be described are in no way original to my mind alone. They are taught by Masters and they are inherited traditional ways. I feel very honored and privileged to have learned such knowledge from such great beings.

I would also like to say that practicing these techniques incorrectly can be harmful to your health and I claim no authority over any one's choices or actions. It is your choice and decision to practice these techniques and you assume full responsibility for your actions regarding them.That being said I am in no way about to impart any complicated or tricky teachings. The techniques I am about to describe are some of the simplest and easiest healing rituals for any human to engage in any or every day of life.

1.Hot Water Practice - get a water filter for your living environment. Boil lots of water all the time and drink it all the time. If it is too hot to drink wait for it to cool slightly but make sure to drink it while it is hot. This practice oxygenates and revitalizes all of our cells and cleanses the blood and organs of disease-forming waste. It helps to regulate blood-flow and heart-beat. Learned from Master Wang.

2.Abdominal Breathing - our solar plexus/abdominal area contains what can be described as the brain center for our nervous system or even our second brain. By using this area to regulate the tempo and depth of our breathing we can calm the nerves and slow our heart-beat. This in turn alleviates stress. Sit on a soft pad cross-legged or on a

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Grizz Pure Anywear

"In the beginning God created…" Genesis 1:1

"Soon all the people were gathered at the foot of the tree, awed by the world they had just entered."

- Bushman Creation Story

"In beginning was the Word." John 1:1

"That Word is AUM…" Katha Upanishad 2.15

"Breathe, breathe in the air. Don't be afraid to care."

- Roger Waters