Connects: The Network No.1 December 2013 | Page 3


P: 678-760-9595

IG: TashimaJonesMedia


Twtr: @TashimaJones

[email protected]

Tashima Jones

Connects, Co-Creator

Let's Stay Connected

It was a pleasure meeting, speaking, emailing, and texting each and every one of you. From the phenomenal hosts, King Sharif and Ms. Sigourney Salley to the touching words of Natasha Jones of HairFreakFashionFreak, I have truly enjoyed the journey Connects has taken me on.

The Network, a weekly journal, keeps you updated with what's going on in Connects, informs you on your creative peers and is a platform to expose your brand

to my connections. I saw it fitting for the first issue to tell you about this secret society, the benefits of it, and how you can join.

Be sure to see the pics from Fresh Like Us on Like US while you're there.

It's who you know,

Tashima Jones


Lafayette Stokely Performing @ Bar Catalonia 206 West. 41st Street from 6:30 - 11:00pm

R.S.V.P @ TakeOvah.SplashThat.Com

To Promote Your Event Email: [email protected]


The Network