Connections Quarterly Winter 2018 - World Religions | Page 23

T EAC H I NG AB O UT R ELI G I O N S A S D I V E RS I T Y E D U C ATI O N “ ues, teachings, and practices of other re- ligions, but at least I can better grasp that my way of being in the world is merely one among many others. (I) give my students tools... from religious traditions that help them gain awareness of their thoughts and emo- tions as well as conjure a sense of peace when they are feeling anxious, angry, or depressed. I try to be transparent with my students about why I teach about world religions and why I feel so passionate about doing it. The most important thing I teach them, above everything else, is that learning about religions will help them, and all of us, become more aware, informed, and ethi- cally responsible citizens in a complex and diverse world. l ” Brian Thomas Blackmore, M.A. & S.T.M., teaches Quakerism, World Religions, Liberation Theology, Peace and Social Justice Studies, and Religion and Sexuality at Westtown School. He is a teaching world religions consultant for CSEE and a Ph.D. student at Temple University with research inter- ests in best pedagogy for religious studies in secondary schools, gender and sexuality in the world religions, and the history of Quakers and homosexuality. Brian is a self-identified “Jew-Bu Quaker,” crossfit enthusiast, and amateur foodie with a penchant for world travel. He lives in a farmhouse on Westtown’s campus in West Chester, PA. Institute on Teaching World Religions June 24-27, 2019 • New York, NY CSEE’s institute brings together university scholars and independent school teachers for four days of in-depth study, discussion, resource sharing, and camaraderie. Join us this year at The Choir School, just steps from Central Park. Please check our website for information on featured speakers: CSEE Connections Winter 2018 Page 21