Connections Quarterly Summer 2022 | Page 20

Professional Learning Communities :

Working Together for Common Goals

By Mary Fran Park Kent Denver School • Englewood , CO

When CSEE asked if I would be interested in writing a piece for Connections , I was so excited . I had just finished speaking at the January professional development meeting , “ Meaningful Advisory Programs ,” and I left feeling as I often do when I have attended an exceptional professional development event : my cup was full . You know those kinds of events . The kinds where time flies . You look down at your watch and you can ’ t believe it is already time for lunch , or for the final day of the programming , or — even worse — time to go back to reality ! But wait ! I have more to learn . I have more questions ! Can ’ t this last just a little longer ?

I am a veteran educator . This May marks my 20th year of teaching in a traditional independent school , not to mention my prior non-traditional teaching . When I reflect on all my years of teaching , I pause and think of some of the most meaningful times . Some of the most obvious are , of course , the work I have done with my students , but what I would like to write about in this piece is the other side of teaching that needs more attention : the learning we do as educators with other educators , when we have the time and space with our colleagues . Those times are , without a doubt , some of the most meaningful , cup-filling moments and memories of my career . The question is , can schools cultivate or formalize those moments ? Or , at minimum , can we carve out time ( in our packed , busy schedules ) for those meaningful conversations and learning opportunities to take place among colleagues ? I believe the answer is yes — if we do it right .
Page 18 Summer 2022 CSEE Connections