Connections Quarterly Summer 2022 | Page 19

CHAPEL AND EDI changing little over the course of decades . Even when changes do occur , they often reflect the proclivities of incumbent Chaplains rather than an intentional shift in approach by a school .
In our case , we ’ ve spent a lot of time thinking about whose experience guides the expression of Chapel . A hundred years ago , the gathering reflected the students who attended at the time — almost all Christian . Today , Chapel at SMUS holds to that tradition by reflecting the students who attend now — an incredibly diverse array of groups , identities , and backgrounds . The significance of the input and influence of these students in our process cannot be overstated .
We came to realize that some of our practices no longer reflected our students . In fact , they were experienced as barriers . For a time , we tried to adjust by holding special Chapels that focused on underrepresented expressions of diversity , but this was like running that elevator once a year as a welcoming gesture to wheelchair users . We grew to appreciate the need for Chapel itself to be inclusive . Now we want every Chapel to take us where we want to go , actively embodying our EDI and Mission Statements , our highest aspirations as a community .
We continue to work on getting there , taking missteps along the way . If you ’ d like a list , we ’ re happy to provide one . As always , student input remains key in finding our way .
Every community that strives to be intentional in its work requires a time and place to gather as a whole . Especially in the context of cultural , economic , and individual diversity , we need regular reminders of our common aspirations and foibles , along with the values that hold us together . Each time we give voice to these ideas through a wisdom story , a nuanced question , or a student reflection , we further strengthen our ability to discover our individual and collective purpose — which is exactly what Chapel is about ( for us ).
To be clear , we still hold special Chapels that celebrate various communities — our next two center on International Womens ’ Day and Black History Month . That we no longer consider these to be filling a major EDI gap , delights us . Someday , we hope that they ’ ll be thoroughly unnecessary .
We ’ ll still mark them , of course . Not because they ’ re necessary . Only because they ’ re meaningful . •
Keven Fletcher serves as Chaplain , Faculty Mentor , and Indigenous Liaison at St . Michaels University School in Victoria , British Columbia . He ’ s part of the Working Group supporting his community ’ s EDI Advisory Committee as they review the school ’ s policies and practices . Keven also enjoys a seat on the Board of CSEE . SMUS draws 1,000 students from 25 countries in a K-12 , day and boarding environment .
CSEE Connections Summer 2022 Page 17