Connections Quarterly Fall 22 | Page 15

I have also learned that credibility does not transfer in a transition from one school to another . Initially , in the honeymoon period , everyone assumes that you know what you are doing even if they sort of hate some of the decisions you are making , but soon they just hate the decisions . I learned it was a mistake to think that because I was successful at my last school everyone would soon recognize how good I am at my job at my new school . Not so much ! I still cringe when I think of some of the things I said in my first two years at Lakeside and am glad I had the chance to course correct and better understand the school .
Finally , with all of my transitions , at least in administrative roles , I have come to the conclusion that one has to take the long view on finding meaning in one ’ s work . In all of
“ In transitions , and in other things I have done in my life , the ones that I was somewhat apprehensive about , frankly scared of doing , always turned out to be the best ones . The fear turned to exhilaration when I realized I / we could do something that was quite a stretch for me / us .” the schools where I worked there were many days when I wondered if I was making a difference , but when I look back over the years in each school I can see that I have helped positively to shape the institution . I have learned that finding meaning in one ’ s work is a longterm affair , not a short-term one .
One last thought . In transitions , and in other things I have done in my life , the ones that I was somewhat apprehensive about , frankly scared of doing , always turned out to be the best ones . The fear turned to exhilaration when I realized I / we could do something that was quite a stretch for me / us . When we started the Global Online Academy at Lakeside I thought this could be a train wreck as we really had scarce knowledge about how to do it . Thanks to our Upper School Director at the time Than Healy , and Our Middle School Director at the time Anne Stavney ( both now great school heads ), and the ongoing genius of Michael Nachbar , Director of GOA , it was a smash success and led us all to believe we could do other things !
I have worked with nine colleagues during my time at Lakeside who have gone off to head other schools , and I give each one the same advice : end well at Lakeside , give your new job time , know that credibility transfer is limited , finding meaning and satisfaction in your new job happens over time rather than in the moment , and try stuff .
You will have to ask them if that advice was helpful !
Continues on page 14
CSEE Connections Fall 2022 Page 13