Connections Quarterly Fall 2021 Vol. XLI - Issue 1 | Page 9

movement . When a breeze pops up , the various elements begin to move in relation to not only the wind , but to each other . Bringing a non-anxious presence into an emotional system is like putting your fingers on one element of the mobile — it doesn ’ t stop all movement but it changes the way the other pieces relate to each other and to the breeze . Having awareness of emotional systems allows us to choose : we can be an element of the mobile blown by the wind , we can be the breeze that stirs up all the elements , or we can be the fingers that grasp and stop the movement of an element , the non-anxious presence .
Suffering and Authenticity
During this ongoing liminal season , when we can see the suffering in our school communities and understand the thwarted desires , the anxiety , and the triangles , we are better able to stay connected while remaining the non-anxious presence in the system . Just as anxiety travels through the triangles ,
... we can be an element of the mobile blown by the wind , we can be the breeze that stirs up all the elements , or we can be the fingers that grasp and stop the movement of an element , the nonanxious presence .

so too does calm . By bringing our authentic selves into mindful relationship with others we can help everyone reconnect in ways that are authentic , without expecting perfection .
So how can we bring awareness during this long transitional season to the inevitable clash between desire for normal with the realities of life ? Having explored some of the theoretical underpinnings of the obstacles to community , we can look at some mindfulness practices that will help us bring awareness amidst the sturm und drang of life .
For those less familiar with the term , mindfulness refers to being aware of the present moment without judgment . The key piece of this is the judgment , or acceptance , of our
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CSEE Connections Fall 2021 Page 7