This means many marketers skip testing altogether , or don ’ t get any real benefits from it .
Poor Interest Targeting Means You ’ ll Pay MORE Than You Should For Facebook Ads
When your interest targeting is off , fewer people click on your ads . This gives you a low click-through-rate .
Low click-through-rates make Facebook think you ’ re providing a bad user experience . . . something it wants to avoid at all costs .
In other words . . .
Facebook charges you much more for your ads if you don ’ t get your interest targeting right .
Seeing these trends , Wilco de Kreij from Connectio Company figured there had to be a better way to find profitable interests to target .
He and his team decided to test some of the available targeting and analytics tools already on the market . They wanted to see why these tools weren ’ t giving business owners the help they needed to get their interests right .
Why Most Targeting Tools On The Market Aren ’ t The Answer It ’ s simple .
Most companies don ’ t have rights to access Facebook ’ s Ads API . ( This bit about the API can be a bit confusing , so let me explain .)
While everyone who wants it has access to Facebook ’ s general API , the Ads API is a different animal altogether .
Facebook is very picky about which companies they let access the Ads API . You have to pass a lot of tests and jump through hoops to get permission .
Many targeting tools can ’ t access data directly from your Facebook Ads account because they can only access Facebook ’ s regular API .
Instead , these tools rely on Facebook ’ s regular API . The regular API doesn ’ t have access to Interests . Other tools only ‘ guess ’ which interests can be targeted . They have no way to find and verify all the interests actually available .
So it ’ s no wonder marketers don ’ t get good results from them .