ConnectExplore – Revealed : The Most Profitable Targeting Interests Your Competition Doesn ’ t Know Exists
ConnectExplore – Revealed : The Most Profitable Targeting Interests Your Competition Doesn ’ t Know Exists
ConnectExplore is a newly available tool that can FIND targeted audiences on FaceBook that are hidden from your competition , RATES those audiences for profitability , & helps you serve PRECISE ads for maximum ROI .
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What Is ConnectExplore ?
Thousands Of Business Owners Like YOU Are Competing For The SAME Audiences In most niches , advertisers target the exact same interest groups . They might try to find untapped interests . . . however , they end up failing .
It ’ s because Facebook ’ s Ad Manager and Audience Insights tool shows a limited number of interests to target . Usually 20 or 30 per keyword , tops .
So it ’ s NO WONDER click-thru rates start dropping . . . and audiences become ad blind . Not only is the competition heating up , ad costs are also rising . Many authorities tell you to split test interests to keep ad costs down .
However , to get the data from split testing , you need to set up one adset for every interest you want to target .
Setting up all those different ad sets for a split-test takes time … And keeping track of those results eats up even more of your precious time . Another issue is every adset also needs to have it ’ s own minimum daily budget . So , if you need to test 50 different adsets you ’ ll need to have a big testing budget .
Even if you budget only $ 5 per ad set , you ’ d spend $ 250 per day to test just 50 interests . As you probably know , you need to run tests for several days to get accurate results .
That adds up to a LOT of money just on testing .