Connected August 2017 | Page 22

Tall tech tales Do battery packs damage phones? Can you vacuum your carpet too much? We’ve debunked some of technology’s most famous old wives’ tales – but can you tell which ones are true or false? Answers on the back page 02 TRUE OR FALSE: You might be super excited to tell Facebook that you’re on your way to Ibiza, but you’ve got to turn your phone off as soon as you board the plane – because it interferes with the pilot’s communication software. 01 03 04 06 TRUE OR FALSE: Make sure you charge your brand new phone straight away – ideally for 24 hours – or the battery will weaken. TRUE OR FALSE: Got a water-damaged phone? No problem! Get it in some rice and you’ll be good to go in around 48 hours. TRUE OR FALSE: Don’t sit too close to the TV – you’ll cause permanent damage to your eyesight. TRUE OR FALSE: Don’t make a phone call at a petrol station or you’ll cause an explosion. 05 TRUE OR FALSE: Resist the temptation to use your phone in the hospital – it’ll cause damaging interference. 07 -TRUE OR FALSE: Pop a towel in the tumble dryer with your wet clothes so it dries faster. 22 CONNECTED | June 2017 Can you think of any more? Or, have you got another quiz idea? Let us know on Workplace. Just search for ‘Connected’. VITTORIO SAYs... I can relate to this piece. I wonder what the answer to the rice one is in particular...