Connect Spring 2018 | Page 5

VISION It’s one thing to identify strategies that will enable you to achieve your business objectives, but it’s quite another to implement those strategies effectively. Opposing forces and competing needs inevitably come into play. Usually, we tend towards one or the other. But it’s in balancing these tensions that we increase the likelihood of eventual success. Strategic ct A g n i c n a l a B Finding Purpose In order to achieve anything, we must be intentional. One way to do that in a leadership role is by crafting a purpose statement. Commonly used by companies to inspire movement, align their people, and develop concrete plans for driving results, a purpose statement can be just as useful for individual leaders to create a sense of focus that leads to influence and impact. By answering three basic questions, you can begin to define your vision, lay out your mission, and identify your strategy for leading within your organization: Focus Measures Vision is critical to getting buy-in and inspiring your team. Yet executing a plan and hitting intermediate steps are critical in keeping people motivated. It’s important to focus on both—reinforcing where you’re headed while affirming how you’re getting there. New strategies mean shifting the ways we work. Yet we’re often still respon- sible for bottom-line results. Ignoring the former leads to failure. Forgetting the latter can derail growth. The key: look for quick wins even as you make long-term changes. Authority Approach First, determine where you want to take your business. Paint an inspirational picture that takes into account your competitive landscape, what sets you apart, your role in effecting change, and key players who can join you. A successful initiative requires clear leadership. It’s also vital that employees feel empowered to implement change. Without these, the result is either chaos or apathy. By establishing authority across each level, everyone will be pulling together in the same direction. Successful strategies are grounded in creativity, so it can be tempting to resist any structure. Yet without such disci- pline, that creativity remains unfocused and unproductive. Rather than complete freedom—or stifling control—an accountable creativity is needed. Next, articulate what you’ll do to achieve your vision day to day. What’s your part in getting where you’re headed? What roles will you play? How you answer can create alignment within your role and with the broader business. VISION | WHERE WILL YOU GO? MISSION | WHAT WILL YOU DO? STRATEGY | HOW WILL YOU DO IT? achieving this balance is not easy, and it’s definitely an art as much as a science. But if we’re committed to it, we’ll unlock the door to sustained business growth. IN THE END, Finally, explain how exactly you’ll go about the tasks you’ll tackle and the role you’ll play. For instance, if you’re coaching your team with one-on-one meetings, it may be to celebrate wins, encourage risk-taking and invite questions. The point? To get specific. RANKED ONE OF FORBES' BEST BANKS OF 2018 // CONNECT STRATEGY SPRING 2018 // SNB.COM 5