gentleman. Area 5 has initiated the movember challenge
with the tablers having to shave and then grow and
groom a moustache. AEX 3 has also been launched with
a date of January 12, 2018 to be hosted by all four tables
in Indore.
Fellowships in this festive season was rampant with
Diwali card parties galore. Tablers called each others
bluff and bonded over aces and spades. Another initiative
was prior to the NFD, by the area fellowship team,
Funtastic Yarian nicknamed TTMM, Tu Tera Mei mera.
The month ended with a unique event from the heart, Art
with Heart by NRT 285. One of the most classiest events
in recent memory in Area 5 which was held as a fund
raiser. A painting exhibition in which works of close to
40 well known artists such as Paresh Maytri, Akbar
Padamsee and others were on display. This event was
graced by the National President Dhruv Dalmia and was
appreciated by all those in attendance. The event was also
covered by all major newspapers and websites thus
spreading the word of Round Table India.
height sin December with a slew of new and big
We at Area 5, commenced this year and took a pledge to
Live Life Infinitely and we aim to do just that.
APL, another major event on lines with the IPL is
currently in his final stages. The event promises to be a
glitzy and glamorous and we eagerly await the same.
With the month being busy, Area 5 promises to set new
AC Tr. Sahil Jindal
AST Tr. Shivam Chawla