CONNECT Magazine Vol 1 - Issue 4 | Seite 24

Double Standards on IMVU: Male & Female Perspectives It’s a man’s world…...or is it? How about IMVU’s world? IMVU has been around for 15 years and counting; and of course, we’ve seen or experienced our fair share of double standards. IMVU without a doubt isn’t a world of major inequality but the question however stands; Who ex- periences double standards more, men or women? The Catalogue Without much thought or even actual stats, most of us will conclude that the catalogue is a woman’s world. Added together, products such as tops, bottoms, shoes, hair and accessories, the products available for men is 3.4 million. Impressive right? But what about female tops, bottoms, shoes, hair and accessories? Try 15.4 million. With that said it’s safe to say the luxury of having multiple clothing articles, in different colors, patterns, styles and even size doesn’t apply to men as much as it applies to women. Is that unfair? It is said however with great things come great responsibilities. Yes, men may have a limited pool to pick from, but they escape the problems of “hand through clothes”, “hair through hand and clothes”, size clashing with scal- ers, nails or hair disappearing with a particular shoe or top and so much more. The excessive “glitching” so to speak, isn’t a frequent or major prob- lem for men but it is for women. Unfair? 24