registered and lot of sponsors have supported the cause. This event has also
given a good publicity to RTI.
SURT-265 had organized a “Talk Show by Dr. Vivek Bindra” on 14 th April,
2019 which was a Bumper Hit and the table has generated huge funds to
support and construct Round Table Schools which is proposed to be
inaugurated by end of June, 2019.
Lastly, JRT-302 had organized a Bumper Housie in Jamnagar which was
attended by more than 750 people and it again generated huge funds and
publicity for Round Table India.
The Area XI has also witnessed the Inter Table Fellowship between Rajkot
Round Table and JRT-302 on 16.04.2019.
Regular Fellowships have been undertaken by all the Tabling Centres of
Area XI. We have been regular in giving the Flyers for Birthday
Celebrations and Anniversary Celebrations for all Tablers and 41ners. This
year, AVC Nilesh Gupta along with Tr. Swaraj and Tr. Akash has also
attended NEXT held in Udaipur as they are a part of 58 th National Board of
Round Table India.
The Overnight Party and Celebration continued at Rajkot till Wee Hours in
the morning. On 27.04.2019, National President Tr. Dhruv Dalmia along
with Area XI Headboard and other Tablers from Jamnagar, Rajkot, Surat,
Baroda and Ahmedabad have started its journey for the MTM of Area XI in
Gandhidham. The Gandhidham Tablers have made wonderful arrangements
for the midterm cum sports meet. Tablers have enjoyed games like
Badminton, Squash, Pool, Table Tennis and Box Cricket. The evening party
and fellowship was amazingly organized. It had created a good bond
amongst the Tablers of Area XI. National President in the evening had given
the President’s Star Pin to Tr. Ritesh Sirohia for wonderfully executing
Amdavad Gives. He has also congratulated Tablers of Gandhidham Round
Table 254 for giving us an amazing time and organising the MTM cum
Sports Meet for Area XI.
On 28 th April, 2019, Area XI has organized its 4 th AEX which was amazingly
organized by GRT-254. The AEX was attended by National President Tr.
Dhruv Dalmia and NFC Tr. Priyesh Shah. This was a very healthy AEX
where we have discussed the motions also and the Area Chairman had also
given his recognitions to all the Tablers and Table who have worked
outstanding for Area during this quarter.
All in all a great month for Area XI.
GRT-254 has organized a Bhoomi Poojan of 3 Classrooms School at J H
Shukla Madhyamtk School on 24.04.2019.
National President Tr. Dhruv Dalmia had landed to Jamnagar towards his
Second Phase of Area visit in Area XI. He had attended the Table Meeting of
JRT-302 and had spent amazing time with them understanding their
activities and the work undertaken by them. On 26.04.2019, Rajkot Round
Table has undertaken 3 Community Service Activity whereby they have
distributed Bags at School, Fruits at Civil Hospital and also undertaken a Go
Green Project at Metodagam. Thereafter in the evening we have a Charter
Ceremony whereby the National President has declared that the Permanent
Number allocated to Rajkot is “Rajkot Round Table – 334”. In the Charter
Ceremony, we have witnessed that the National President has given
President’s Star Pin to Tr. Jignesh Lavti who was pioneer in chartering the
Rajkot Round Table. The Rajkot Tablers has also unveiled their Pin and
Logo during the event. At the end of the event they have called for Dhol and
all the Tablers present over there have enjoyed the fine tunes of the Dholi.
The Charter Day Ceremony was also attended by NFC Tr. Priyesh Shah.
AC Tr. Ankit Agarwal
AST Tr. Ankit Parikh